Thank You to the Baddock Family and Ireland Farm Equipment
December 27, 2017
Ireland Farm Equipment is a family owned business spanning 3 generations and over 55 years in Vermilion. Through that time, Bud and Rhea Baddock, son Brent and grandson Dylan have seen their agrictulture implement business grow and expand to continually meet the demands of their customers. In turn, Ireland Farm Equipment values and supports the community it serves.
Through that legacy, the Baddock family and Ireland Farm Equipment have chosen to support the Vermilion & District Housing Foundation Capital Campaign with sponsorship of the Recreation Kitchen.
“The rural support has been the back bone of this area and we feel that this is an all-around good project for the community – both rural and town.” Said Brent Baddock. “Both my grandmother and great grandmother have lived at the Lodge.”
The VDHF Capital Campaign would like to extend our thanks to the Baddock Family and Ireland Farm Equipment for their support of this community project.